
What are they?
These are conversations with Caroline (our Coordinator) to talk about what’s going on for you or any worries that you may have. If you are younger Caroline may also include drawing or clay therapy during your sessions. These sessions offer a chance to find new ways of coping with those difficult emotions that all of us experience from time to time.
When would they happen?
How often your sessions will be will depend on what your needs are. These may be weekly, fortnightly or as and when required, whatever you feel would be most useful to best support you.
These sessions are pre-arranged and delivered in-person from our centre in Blantyre, by telephone or video call and generally last from thirty minutes up to an hour.


What are they?
A Wellbeing Session is a conversation with Caroline about how you are doing with self-managing your progress. That means we might just be checking that things are still going well or supporting you to take further steps towards your outcomes. People find these conversations positive and affirming. Sometimes we all need to hear a, “Well Done!” or have someone give us strength to keep going.
When would they happen?
Wellbeing sessions can take place as often as you feel necessary – whatever meets your needs.
These sessions will be either a phone call with Caroline or a pre-arranged video call. (We will also encourage you to feedback on the session to monitor how well we are doing in supporting you)


What are they?
These are small groups split into primary school age and high school age. The purpose of these groups are to bring children and young people together who have experienced death or illness of a loved one. They are a time to get together and have some fun. These sessions may include arts and crafts or games or workshops. Caroline designs these sessions together with the children and young people.
When would they happen?
Each activity group is delivered weekly
The group is delivered in-person from our Haven centre based in Blantyre. Sessions last for an hour, operating on Tuesday's 3.30-4.30pm for primary school aged children and young people.


What are they?
Our Haven toolkits are created individually to help you through your journey of grief and loss. They include different things that we think may be helpful or enjoyable for you. Some of the toolkit may be for use during sessions or some of it may be for you to use at home or whenever you feel like it. These are created and tailored to your individual needs.
How do I get one?
You will receive the toolkits in line with your programme of support and needs.
Caroline will recommend these kits to you but if you think that you or someone you love may benefit from Haven support and our Self-Management Toolkits then please speak to a member of The Haven Team. Please call 01555-811846 Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm or email info@thehavencentre.com.


What are they?
These are pre-arranged conversations with Caroline (our Coordinator). They offer practical and emotional support for parents and caregivers of children affected by bereavement or a life-limiting illness of a loved one.
These sessions offer a chance to explore how to best support the child/children throughout such times. Sometimes the emotional impact of illness or bereavement on children can lead to behavioural challenges and these sessions can help you, to help your child/children with that.
When would they happen?
Your support sessions can take place as often as you feel necessary – whatever meets your needs. These sessions can last anytime up to an hour.
These sessions are pre-arranged and delivered by telephone or video call or if preferred via email.


What are they?
Signposting is all about helping you to get the best help and support that is available to you. Some of that emotional and practical support will come directly from The Haven. Some will come from linking you to wider support networks and specialist services as well as on-line resources that help to support and advise children, young people and their families
How does it work?
Caroline is well informed of the other services that are available in your area. In your regular conversations she will let you know if there are any other organisations that could help you and you family. Often your support from Haven will work alongside the support from others. It may be that signposting is all you need from The Haven right now … but please remember the door is always open and you can come back to us as often as you need.